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No Money May – Two days in | April Favourites

This is hilarious to me. I almost accidentally broke my no buy on the FIRST DAY. I had to go into Shoppers to pick up some Tylenol and saw they had the NYX Ultimate palettes on sale, so I immediately picked one up with my pain killers and walked to the counter.

It took me a second but something clicked in my brain and reminded me that it was now May and this behaviour is not allowed! Quick savings of $18.99! That being said I was able to get my hands on the Flights of Fancy as per the rules of engagement, and Saturday will be the launch of the only other item I will allow myself to purchase this month.

This is much more difficult than I thought. Not to mention my eyeliner is almost out, so I am having to ‘wing’ it with other products. I’m actually kind of pumped to see how many products I can move through, in two days I believe I happen to have finished three already… most likely just luck but that’s alright!

To hear more about no money May feel free to fast forward the video to closer to the end! Or watch the whole thing and learn about my favourites for the month at the same time!

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12 thoughts on “No Money May – Two days in | April Favourites”

  1. When I’m on a no-buy the only loophole is I can purchase something I’ve run out of. So if I ran out of eyeliner, it would be ok to go buy a new one but that’s it. Nothing else.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. No buy.. is tough because there is always something to be curious about On the cosmetic isle. I’m trying to limit the eye pallets this year and that is such a challenge as my wishlist keeps growing.. 😡😡 ..I am determine to get that kvd anniversary pallet though

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I have gone a bit cray cray buying makeup this year. I hardly bought anything last year as I was trying to save up, so I was pretty much on a year long no buy. Don’t ask me how I survived, but I did of course compensate for it nicely this year.

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